Logisticamente sono molto fortunata: per mia gioia non fa assolutamente freddo, ci sono 7-8 gradi, è grigio e piove un po', e mi piace questo tempo, mi sento perfettamente a casa, è quello che di solito caratterizza i nostri inverni nel Nord Italia. In più sto abitando in una casa perfetta, a Kreuzberg-Friedrichshan, vicino alla maggioranza dei posti dove devo andare, e pure davanti a un bel parco dove, sempre grazia a un clima accettabile, vado a volte - non sono una fanatica - a correre. Così riesco a prendere la bicicletta e mi muovo per Berlino come i Berlinesi. Ah, con la casa ho ricevuto anche la bici! :) Al freddo sottozero non mi abituerò mai, ogni volta mi sento a disagio, ingoffata dai vestiti, impossibilitata a vestirmi come mi pare (di solito mi vesto da marziano mettendo su tutto ciò di pesante che posso avere, strato dopo strato..!), quasi paralizzata nei movimenti, e anche un po' nervosa...Per ora quindi mi ritengo fortunata che in questo mese a Berlino non si è mai andati sottozero se non qualche giorno fa, che poi ha anche leggermente nevicato, ma è sparito subito. Altrimenti non so come avrei fatto a seguire tutte le conferenze sul problema dei refugees che sto seguendo, e ad andare ogni giorno a parlare con le persone...
5. sat.dic.7
I went at the tent
at 3.30pm. I had appointment with some refugees people, to go and see the
gallery (that opens only on Saturdays). I met people and I talked with people,
mostly in front of the camp fire (afterwards I was smelling like the smoked
scamorza cheese..).Then 3 of us went to the gallery.
After that I met
an italian architect, Manuela, living in Berlin since 13 years wishing to help
me with the project. I am having a lot of encouragement and helping by friends
in all the world, many of whom put me in contact with some of their friends living
in Berlin. Manuela and I decide that she would have come with me on Monday to
the occupied school, to meet more people.
5. sun.dic8
I had to prepare,
in 1 hour and among previous Sunday friends visits already programmed, a short
video of me talking about the refugees project for a political performance art
symposium in Belgrad. I wanted to send them a video of a previous and already
finished work, but they were so interested about this issue, that they asked me
just to share what’s going on with the audience in Belgrade. I prepared a
short video. Even if it could be simple, preparing a short video is not so easy and fast,
but it was fun. I was at Waltraud's studio, a German artist friend, and she help me
gladly with location, scenography and recordings.
Here’s the video:
6. mon.dic9
I went to she
occupied school with Manuela. It was dark because we went there after her job,
at 5.30 (here in winter sun sets down around at 4…). I looked for Turgai, the Turkish
activist who is living there. He invited us to a panel discussion occurring in
an occupied part of the Betanja building in a couple of hours. Then we met people in the school and we talked with two guys very nice, telling us their stories
coming from Africa to Lampedusa and then being in Berlin. There were reggae
music on their phones. Everything was friendly. I was with them. I asked them
recording their stories with the camera, but they didn’t want. They were
interested in participating to the performance and being at the gallery. I wrote
the address on a little paper. Everybody is intimidate by the camera, so I
never use it, neither I show it. But everybody is ok with audio, so I often
record our voices while talking. We went to the
activist meeting at the Betanja occupied section, invited by Turgai. They had a
conference explaining the process of the protest and the next steps. They showed
interesting videos. I had the permission to film. We also met some of
the more active refugees leaders of the group. I could talk easily with them
of the idea of the performance action for their respect, voice and rights.
Maybe some of them will come. As usual I don’t know. I really want to help. They'll decide what is best for them.
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