Ciao, condivido con voi questo testo scritto in occasione della mostra ad Ann Arbor di alcuni dei video del mio 'slowly project'. Ho scritto il testo a caldo, appena finito il montaggio del video newyorkese, e desidero condividerlo con voi, perché sono le radici del senso che dò oggi ai miei video (o, come lo chiamano in Usa, è un 'artist statement'), e ne sono anche un po' orgogliosa! ...
"I consider my videos like paintings, books and sculptures.
I carve them, beginning with hours and hours of shootings as they were a huge marble stock, cutting and selecting piece after piece in order to obtain the final shape.
I paint every single second of the video, deciding colors and combining sequences, in order to arrive to the final pattern.
I write the chapters and the scenes as a story, where I give a sense to each step following the other.
And I mix the music with the intent to give voice to the whole levels of lecture implicit in the work.
I use only original shootings taken during my performances. No studio shootings or actor interactions are used to edit my videos. What is shown is part of what ‘really’ happened and it’s chance one of the main hero of the work.
I consider my videos as portraits of a specific society, city, country, because everything that happens reflects the identity of the place. Each video is completely different from the other, even when it’s made from the same performance in different locations. Seeing the differences of the videos it’s a way to investigate the differences of the places.
I’d like that people consider the video as a poetry, catching the emotions and the concepts that there are inside.
I’d also like that people reflect upon how difficult is to perform perfectly in ‘slow motion’, controlling each muscle movements not to go faster, for hours and hours in the same day. I consider ‘taking our time’ in life and society as difficult as this performance but, nevertheless, necessary. "
Liuba, March 30, 2011
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